About Dana

Dana Artinyan, RD

Registered Dietitian. Food Lover.

As a kid, I refused to eat anything but salami sandwiches (on white bread with mayo), pizza, fries and hot dogs, with an occasional piece of fruit thrown in to appease my mother. Luckily, over time I learned to appreciate GOOD, REAL FOOD and replaced salami and hot dogs with less processed, more wholesome foods. I truly believe that eating clean (sans added sugar, artificial and/or processed ingredients) is the best way to maintain a healthy lifestyle and normal weight.

My life isn’t only food, however. In my spare time, I volunteer at Chicago’s Green City Farmers Market (okay, I guess that still involves food), and I stay active by running, doing yoga and strength training. I am truly passionate about showing others how to find and prepare delicious, feel-good food.

Contact me at dana.artinyan.rd@gmail.com (or fill out the form below) to learn more about my food and nutrition services. I have experience with nutritional counseling, culinary nutrition and nutrition communications.

Photo Credit: Logan Futej

Disclosure: I write this blog solely for sharing my professional knowledge and experience with you. I do not receive payment in any form for my posts. Any product reviews seen on this blog are based on my own professional opinion and are in no way paid. If I am sent product samples, this does not mean that I will write a positive post promoting said products. In fact, if the product is pure crap, I will outright tell you. The point of this blog is to help readers follow a healthier, cleaner diet. If I think that a certain product fits with this theme, I will discuss it in a positive light. If it doesn’t, then I’ll discuss it in a negative light. There are no politics involved in my posts.

Though I am a registered dietitian and have experience working with various types of patients and various illnesses, the content on this blog is meant solely as informational and should not be viewed as medical advice. Always consult with a doctor or meet for a one-on-one appointment with a registered dietitian to determine an appropriate individualized eating plan for your specific needs.

8 thoughts on “About Dana

  1. Hey great blog you have here. Thanks for viewing my blog as well, Savor the Food. I was the same as a kid. As all are, hot dogs, pizza and hamburgers. I too as I grew and left home learned what real food was. Butternut squash, mango just to name a few. Mexican food is my Fav and Italian follows behind.

    Your blog is amazing with all the different categories you have. Do not know how long you have been a Dentition, but the way your blog is set up and the way you express yourself with paper and pen; you have to be doing an excellent job at it. 🙂

    I haven’t read everything, but I look forward to doing so. I appreciate your comments and readership.

    Looking forward to what the Art of Nutrition has to offer as each post is added to your blog.

    Chef Randall

    • Thanks so much, Randall! You have some great recipes on your blog – can’t wait to try the Coconut and Butternut Squash Soup! I just made some roasted butternut squash with sage and it was a fantastic combo!

      I look forward to reading your blog as well and thank you for checking out mine. I appreciate all the kind words!

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